What is my property worth?

Find out how much your property is worth by getting a free property valuation. Choose from an instant online valuation estimate or an expert home visit valuation.

Looking for an approximate price of your property? A free online estimated property valuation is just a few clicks away.

Want a more accurate and detailed valuation? Book a member of the team to come and conduct a free detailed property valuation.

Choosing Capital Estate Agents means…

Leading marketing

We will bring out all the stops with your marketing. Professional photography, videography 360 tours, tailored to you and your property. Review it all in our media suite with full VIP treatment before it goes live.

Local experts

We know this area, and we have done for a long time. You can expect an honest valuation based on the local market data.

Intuitive thinking

We take the plunge to always find new and innovative ways to make your property journey easier. Whether that’s with technology, our systems or processes, we’ll always stay on top.

Reliable people

Our team will be with you at every step of your house move, and after. We’ll always be straight with you and believe in direct and effective communication, no fuss, no delays.

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Want to know what’s involved in selling a property? We’ve put together everything you need to know in this free guide.

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What is my property worth?

Your first step towards selling or letting is getting a free property valuation. Find out how much your property is worth with an instant or an expert valuation.